Panoramic X-ray and dental CT in the center of Budapest, in the 5th district

Our clinic applies perfect quality X-ray and CT equipment to set up the right diagnosis and to select the personalised therapy.
The tools greatly facilitate the work of the physicians, and increase the efficiency of the treatments. Making the images causes no inconvenience whatsoever for the patients, and the radiation loads they are subjected to are also minimal. The panoramic X-ray makes a two-dimensional image of the entre oral cavity and the teeth, allowing the display of the maxilla and the mandible, while the Cone Beam CT (CBCT) displays the entire bone structure and teeth in a three-dimensional image.CBCT) három dimenzióban ábrázolja a teljes csontszerkezetet és a fogakat.
The various imaging procedures can be used effectively for root canal treatments, oral surgery interventions, orthodontic processes and identification of foci.
A number of problems become identifiable this way that represented greater challenged for dental practitioners right up to the recent past. Occasionally concealed tooth decays, impacted or irregularly erupting wisdom teeth as well as parts of broken teeth as a result of accidents can be better identified.
Nem elhanyagolható tény, hogy a különböző fogbeültetések, fogpótlások előtt is igen hasznos a megfelelő felvételek elkészítése, mivel segítségükkel az állkapocs csontállománya, annak vastagsága és egyéb jellemző paraméterei is könnyen megjeleníthetőek.
In case your gums are bleeding, an X-ray/CT is also recommended, as the local features of receding gums can be seen on the images.

Air Flow, also known as airflow polishing is a polishing technique that easily removes the stains and discolourations caused by tea, coffee, wine, smoking and other foods.
The main idea of this entirely painless treatments is that a mixture of high pressure water, natural powder and air is blown onto the teeth. This procedure quickly and gently removes discolourations.