Bone replacement in dental implantation
Bone grafting has become a routine procedure in today's dentistry. It becomes necessary when bone thins or even disappears completely due to tooth loss, making tooth replacement impossible. It is not only in older age that the procedure may become necessary, because if the resulting tooth loss is not replaced in time, other age groups also face a real risk of loss of jawbone thickness or height.
When is bone replacement necessary?
It's worth knowing that in addition to extensive tooth decay, severe gingivitis can also result in the loss of your own teeth. In this case, the stimulation of the bone and tissues in the affected area cease and the tissues break down. At the same time, osteoporosis, which affects many people, also affects the jawbone and can be caused by smoking, regular alcohol consumption, an unbalanced diet and certain hormonal changes.
In principle, therefore, in addition to periodontally affected teeth, bone grafting may also be necessary before dental implants are placed. The procedure always depends on the individual circumstances and the goals to be achieved. The aim is to increase the amount of healthy, high-quality bone.
Implantologic bone grafting
Both horizontal and vertical bone replacement of the mandibular spine can be performed. It is also possible to lift the sinus cavity. Also known as a sinus lift, the procedure involves lifting the mucosa of the sinus cavity when increasing the amount of bone, with bone grafting material placed underneath.
Bone grafting can be performed using the patient's own bone or bone from animals. It is not uncommon for a mixture of the two to be used. The so-called absorbable collagen membranes fix the usually granular bone substitute, helping it to heal and stay in place. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and is followed by antibiotic treatment and a few days of rest.
When can the implantation take place?
A csontpótlásra a leginkább az implantátum későbbi beültethetősége céljából kerül sor. A csontosodás mindenképpen időt vesz igénybe, általában fél év, de a páciens egyéni adottságainak függvényében akár egy év is eltelhet addig, míg a fogászati implantátum biztonságosan rögzíthető a kialakult csontanyagban.
One of the prerequisites for modern implant placement is the availability of sufficient bone material. With bone grafting, this can be provided for those who do not have it naturally. Thanks to this solution, an aesthetically and functionally excellent tooth replacement can be achieved without any problems. Implantation is not only a solution for a single tooth, but can also be used for a whole row of teeth on implants in the right place.

Almost everyone has heard of implants. Implants have become so common in dentistry that they are practically an essential part of dental care.
Whether it's replacing a single tooth or several in a complete edentulous jawbone, implants are the best way to ensure that a patient has stable, fixed teeth.